Sunday, July 1, 2012

Independence Day - Starring Will Smith

Hello everyone. I just thought I'd post some random, yet holiday appropriate randomness today. 
Holiday for the US is coming, its called July 4th, or Independence day. And that's all I know about it.
Independent from what? I don't know or give a f*ck, the Aliens from that Will Smith movie, or what? There isn't an iota of patriotic blood in my veins. F*ck the US, I can't wait to flee this shit hole. 
Maybe I can ride out on this "Pussy Licker" bike by 

Six Gun by Glides Albatros. There are too many different styles she's made that I can recall, but the fun part other than these babies are fast as hell, they come with special sit poses for idling or riding. A second person can hop on, too. You can burn out, shift gears and there are effects such as sound and particles. Fun stuff. Get at me if interested.

Also, Enzo D, the creator of ShadZ released these Holiday glasses called "4th of July - Aviator" which are perfect for the 4th if you're celebrating our freedom from an Alien attack and are scripted to change tint!

Okay, ride out with your aviators. 
Until we save the world again from invasion!!

 Get the Look:

.:pink - insidious:. - Wily shape [Marketplace]
LIVIA limited *Step inSide* [NEW @ .:: Designer Circle 31 ::.]

*ShadZ* 4th of July - Aviator [NEW
Tameless Hair Cherry - Mega Pack [NEW]
Synthetique Colour Tactics-Gunmetals [NEW]

[GLUE INK] Ree Gloves Fat Pack
R.icielli - HILARY Mesh Boots [NEW]
R.icielli - LESLIE Mesh Shirt [NEW]
Utopia SASHA_06 pants

1 comment:

nancy john said...

nice post about fashion. i like fashion very much.