Saturday, December 8, 2018

A Decade

After 6 years of blogging, I finally got to collab with my partner, my best friend, my special person, Glides Albatros. 
I took her shopping at Uber and she went nuts and we decided we would do something together.
This photo means a lot because she and I have been best friends since 2008. 
An entire decade! A person who has never judged me or ever been anything but consistent. 
People like that don't exist often in either real or Second Life and I am proud to be her closest friend as well. 
Glides, you mean the world and I am so happy to feature you in Haus of Fashion!
Okay, enough sap! Keep reading to get details!

Okay all, thanks for reading my mush LOL.
If you need any help with any unlisted items, please contact me inworld @ PrincessAndrea Usbourne or leave a comment.
Additionally, you can reach me on SLFB and Flickr, also.
See you next time!

1 comment:

Glides Albatros said...

Awww, those are fantastic words. Thank you very much. I have so much enjoyed our time, you are amazing and so much fun to talk to. I look forward to forever more. Keep being you, because that's the best!