Friday, March 29, 2019

Starry Eyed

Hit hit hit hit me with lightning.
The name of the title of this blog is the title of a song I used to listen to that reminded me of the man I love.
Well, now hate. But have loved for 3 years.
"You look at me, it's like you hit me with lightning."
Oh to be in love. It's a great feeling. Except when it's not.
I digress - I don't feel like upsetting myself.
Just read the details. *EYE ROLL*

Purple Top:

Rose Top:
Here are some HUD examples:

If you need any info about any unlisted items, feel free to contact me on SLFB or on Flickr Messages or leave a comment. Another option is to hit me up in world @ PrincessAndrea Usbourne Usbourne.
Okay ... well ... gonna keep myself busy to shut out everything else.

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