Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Club Onyx III

Hey foolios.
LOL today, Sunday, I am writing this and I saw I made SL Secrets again.
So funny that people are so bothered by what I say but won't delete me.
I ain't never surrounded myself with something that bothered me if I could help it.
It must be a sad existence to let me, a nobody in Texas, have so much power over you.
Ahh well, I personally love it and my ego is running wild!
Well, enough boasting, read to get the details!

Shades Girl:

Curly Girl:

Here are some HUD examples:

If you need any info about any unlisted items, feel free to contact me on SLFB or on Flickr Messages or leave a comment. 
Another option is to hit me up in world @ PrincessAndrea Usbourne Usbourne.
Welp, until next Sunday, my friends <3

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