Sunday, July 14, 2019

Strawberry Lemonade

I can't really say what I want to say on FB because of my viewership.
So I get to be a little more candid here sometimes. 
Which right now, I admit I am in a foul mood.
I've mentioned I recently reconnected with the man I love but he is really cautious because of somethings that occurred last year.
I am trying to pay my dues and be patient but it's not easy. I just wonder how long I have to pay for my transgressions.
How long is the ball going to be in his court? Will he ever acquiesce? Or will be he in possession forever?
As long as I have known him, he has controlled the relationship 100% ... I guess that's what happens when one person loves the other more.
The other knows they have the control because they don't fear losing the other person as much as the other person does. 
So I guess I answered my question. No, I will never take possession of the ball. 
He will always have it and I will always have to be the one who bends because my fear of loss is significantly greater.
Okay well ... I was treating my blog like a blog. 
A place to express myself when I have no where else to do so. 
Thanks for existing so my fingers have a place to store my thoughts.

On with the fashion part, now. 

Brown Hair:

Blonde Hair:

Here are some HUD examples:

If you need any info about any unlisted items, feel free to contact me on SLFB or on Flickr Messages or leave a comment. 
You can contact me in-world @ PrincessAndrea Usbourne, also.
I'm gonna go lay in bed and be miserable and defeated now.
Thanks for reading.

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