Friday, October 25, 2019

Candy Corn

Today I was ejected from a blogging group that runs things like Nazis do so good fuckin' riddance.
When one door closes, another opens, and a group I've been wanting to blog for for years opened up apps and approved me finally, LOL.
I am still struggling like hell to stay abreast of quotas and I thank the sponsors who understand this and make room for me to keep blogging as often as possible.
Hugs to you. Anyway, check out my newest post and click below to get the deets!
Girl 1:

Girl 2:

Here are some HUD examples:

If you need any info about any unlisted items, you can contact me on SLFB or on Flickr Messages or leave a comment. 
Also, you can contact me in-world @ PrincessAndrea Usbourne, also and I will get back to you as soon as I can :)
Okay, time to bust out one more blog for my remaining sponsors!

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