Friday, October 11, 2019

Kel Loves Orange Soda

OMFG, I am sooooooo busy! I start work at 6:30am, go straight to school afterwards, and then after class, I do tutoring for 2 hours. 
At the end of the day, it's 14 or 15 hours before I get home and I am so tired and I go straight to bed. 
Then on weekends, I pick up over time at work. 
So blogging has YET AGAIN taken a huge back seat!
I apologize to my sponsors. I am trying!
Anyway, check out the newest post and keep reading to get the details!

Girl 1:

Girl 2:

Here are some HUD examples:

Okay I have one more blog to do this weekend to be caught up for a few days.
Thanks for checking out the blog.
If you need any info about any unlisted items, you can contact me on SLFB or on Flickr Messages or leave a comment. 
Also, you can contact me in-world @ PrincessAndrea Usbourne, also and I will get back to you as soon as I can :)

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