Saturday, February 29, 2020

.Furry Things.

There's this gifting group on SLFB that is pretty awesome. 
You list your Wish List on Marketplace and friends and sometimes random, generous people send you gifts from your wish list!
It's so nice! 
I have been gifted and gifted others and it's just a special, nice thing in SL, for a change.
So I am featuring one of the items sent by the closest person to me in SL, and I will credit all who have sent me items each time they're worn while blogging :)
All right, on with the show!

Lion Girl:

Bear Girl:

Here are some HUD examples:

If you see something you like that isn't in this list, it mean's it's not a sponsored item. 
I give 100% focus to sponsored items, but I will be happy to give you the item info if you contact me via Flickr or SLFB Messenger or by leaving a comment on the blog.


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