Monday, March 15, 2021

We're #1

 I was supposed to have the day off to do whatever I wanted and I logged in and discovered I had 13 hours to submit two effing blogs, so here's your blog.

I swear this is a chore now and I get zero pleasure from it anymore.

(this rant is NOT for the stores who are flexible or offer less stringent quotas and deadlines)

Finger Foam Girl:

Hot Dog Girl:

If you see something you like that isn't in this list, it mean's it's not a sponsored item. 
I give 100% focus to Sponsors and only list sponsored items. 
However, do not be discouraged by this! 
I'll be happy to give you the item info if you contact me via Flickr or SLFB Messenger. 
You can also contact me in - world @ Princess Usbourne or by leaving a comment on the blog. PLEASE DO NOT NOTECARD ME! I have to log into SL to view those!

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